Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Paper Nautilus

Standing in opposition to the usual toil of the world, the nautilus is special because she is not required to play to the popularity of those who depend on her.  She lives within her fortress, sheltered from others' criticisms by her dream of hope.  This hope is in a circle effect with her courage: the courage protects the hope, the hope gives her courage.  Although this hope is fragile, portrayed with glass and thin pearl lines, it is strong and uncrushable, even with herculean strength.  Powerful enough that she would trust it to protect her eggs, her children and livelihood.
I'm having trouble wording it, but this... conflict is best personified in the title.  The nautilus, a strong, hard carbonate shell which the nautilus calls home,  is named to be nothing but paper, weak and fragile in all situations short of shanks, especially in water.

1 comment:

  1. Alexa - this is a wonderful reading of the poem, you capture the paradox perfectly.
