Monday, April 16, 2012

An Atlas of the Difficult World XIII. (Dedications)

When reading Adrienne Rich, the poem that stood out to me was from An Atlas of the Difficult World XIII. (Dedications).  The title in itself stood out to me because it makes me wonder is this taken from An Atlas of the Difficult World or is that a part of the full title.  Also, before reading the poem I wondered who the dedication was to.  

Once reading the poem I realized that the dedications were to every type of person that Rich describes in the poem.  It also made me realize how little time people leave in their busy lives to read for enjoyment.  The times that people pick up a book to read a poem are as they skim a book at the library, sitting of the train to pass time from one destination to another or while at home in between caring for a young child.  All of the examples given show that people do not leave enough time to enjoy the work of poetry.  To fully enjoy a poem there should be no other distractions taking place while reading the poem.  

This poem made me see how the ordinariness of everyday tasks have taken over the time that use to be spent enjoying poetry.  It use to be that sitting down, in a peaceful setting and reading a poem was ordinary in itself.  Today, everyone’s lives have gotten so busy, that is just seems ordinary to be jumping form task to task, making no time for the enjoyment and ordinariness of reading.  I am guilty, just as much as every person Rich describes in her poem, and it makes me want to make more time in my life to sit down in a peaceful setting and enjoy the ordinariness of reading a poem or book for pure pleasure.    

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